Taking a two year old to the races at Riccarton instead of Addington is a “first up” for Mark on Saturday and he is hopeful rather than confident even though Captain Roy is shaping as an above average youngster.

In the pacing world in a similar situation, Mark had more insight into comparisons with other youngsters and a stronger knowledge of his rivals than is the case on Saturday with all starters on debut. Captain Roy is the only one who has not had a trial.

“I was going to trial him at Ashburton but he wasn’t named and so couldn’t start. I took all four of them down that day and they had a Jumpout when the trials were over. He went pretty well in that and then he had another Jumpout to qualify to race and he held his own there until he was eased out. KIn (Kwo) was quite impressed and felt a race would not be too much for him without a trial.

“There is not another race suitable for a while and upcoming trials are on the poly so I thought we would have a go”

Mark had further encouraging news this week from Kin who has done a lot of work riding for the stable.

“I was sort of suggesting that up against the northerners that it might be best to sit in behind and let our guy run home but Kin has worked some of his rivals including one of the form fillies  and reckons he will hold his own.So that is what I am going on”

Captain Roy was the most expensive of Mark’s three Karaka purchases at $200,000 but he has lived up to the billing so far, an athletic horse resembling Savabeel in looks and attitude.

As always in a Purdon stable, Mark is aiming high.

“If he could finish in three I would be thrilled because you know then you have something to work on. But if he holds his own with what he has done I will be happy. He has done a lot of groundwork so I am not worried from that aspect.”

Captain Roy has yet to run on a wet turf track but in a run down the straight it should not be a negative factor.

Captain Roy, hopefully with a push from his namesake from up above, makes his debut at 1.20pm Saturday.

Pic: “Looks like these blokes are throwing me in the deep end”  Captain Roy at barrier practice


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