Nathan’s dream run as the man in charge continued Saturday with brother Michael adding to the family honours when Mystic Max turned on an impressive performance to  beat older horses impressively just 2nd up.

It took a tick over two minutes 22 seconds for Don’t Stop Dreaming to show that missing a trial made no difference to his impressive 1980 win in his Sires Stakes heat after another heady drive from Natalie also showing that both have  come back from a spell in peak form.She was having her first drive behind the star.Olivia handled him for his first two wins and Mark has been fairly protective of the drive since

She threatened to go for the top early,just kidding, but then 400m later she wasn’t. However mindful the season has a long way to go she gave the lead away at the bell when Devon Van Til rged Ok Boomer forward but was unable to wrest the front.

Natalie sat patiently in the trail,surged through under little pressure and won like a couple of stars should. The three year old Sires Stakes season has taken on a new look with the change of season and it will be a while before Don’t Stop Dreaming clashes with the likes of Merlin again but he has certainly started his second season like he ended his first- a winner.

Michael had been very pleased with Mystic Max’s first upper and his confidence was rewarded when the athletic youngster capitalised on a typical Blair Orange drive handy on the outer to beat the older horses.

The recent run of success propels the stable into 3rd on the Premiership (2nd in stakes) from just 62 starters which shows that Nathan and Mikayla have kicked off their new venture on the right foot.

Now for the Race by Grins barrier draw Monday for some icing on the cake

PIC: “Winners are Grinners” Mystic Max might be saying -and this was before the race


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