Mark is in Auckland with a family get together over Xmas but on Thursday the family will be taking special interest in-of all things- the Timaru gallops.

Captain Roy, bought by Mark and raced by a family syndicate, is an acceptor in a race catering for two year olds which normally might not be that significant. Indeed Mark is putting it down to coincidence.

“He had 10 days or so off after Riccarton and did very well, put on some weight so we had to do a bit with him. Buster Shaw was going to Timaru and well there was a race for two year olds”

The whole story ? Maybe not quite

Though it seems a longer shot for a maiden two year old in December, Captain Roy is still a chance to qualify for the Karaka Million -at least on paper.

He is currently 11th on the order of entry of a race worth $1m for 14 runners. A win at Timaru will advance the cause.

Ok Mark is not talking Karaka Millions at the moment.But should the Captain hold his position it must be a tempting prospect.

His reserve is probably based on the number of horses who can make late claims to the January 27 highlight with increased racing opportunities on the north and there is a cluster of horses around his level trying.But a win at Timaru-a test given his gate -at least keeps him in the mix.

As ever the horse’s welfare will come first and Mark would probably settle for  a win at Timaru at the moment.

Buster Shaw is proven at 1600 at Timaru but his gate is the main concern.

“His gate is a concern but he could also be a shade fresh. But he seems as good as most in the field so we hope for the best”

Post Invercargill with the team not furter back than second and Braeden and Caroline Whitelock back in the winner’s circle with Treacherous Baby there is no change to current plans, Oscar Bonavena  remaining in the south for a freshener.

So Xmas at the races this week for the Rolleston stable is at the Timaru gallops. With just maybe a sting in the tail.

Pic: Barry and Tony about to interview the trainer post race at Riccarton


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