We haven’t got the best of draws for racing tonight and these days those gates are even more important.A bad draw can turn into a good one in some circumstances but they are always a challenge and you get a little bit deflated when they come out wrong.

There’s less difference between the top horses and the next tier than there used to be and so a bad gate makes it that much harder to win than it used to be. You want your horse you know is good to have their chance to show how good they are so bad gates are bad news. But you just have to live with them

Everything has gone smoothly up here this week so the team should be ready to fire. Last week I thought VESSEM was underrated and the way he came from last was quite a thrill.He has gone on with it this week too.

If I had to pick one to shine it would be WE WALK BY FAITH with a little bit of luck from the draw. TREACHEROUS BABY is working well too but I just favour him.

He is a horse who really turned his act around. Earlier on he culd be a problem.He hated the grit and any xtra gear we used to get him to focus he resented. Would throw his head around and generally be a handful on work mornings. Now he doesn’t turn a hair about anything and wears no gear. I am sure that was a big help when he lined up without a lot of experience in good races.

On Monday I am flying to Christchurch fo the Harness Awards and with the Sales the next day it is something I am looking forward to.

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