Things have gone well or us so far this week in Auckland and the three year olds all worked well on Wednesday. Chase the Dream is likely to be our best but Vessem had no luck last time and Major Hot was hitting the line well so there were ticks for all  them.

Treacherous Baby is going well too and is in a race which suits her so she should be very hard to beat.

Training away from home is not too difficult if things are going right especially where we are at Lincoln Farms but trickier for me when little problems crop up as they often do.

At home Nathan does the worksheets with a time to aim at with each horse.It is not quite that simple away from home.

Nathan tells me what sort of work and times to give them based on what I have told him about how they are going and his knowledge of the horses even though he can’t physically assess them,relying on me for that.

But also I have to vary his assessment when required. For example weather problems often change the schedule and how the horses are doing from day to day might mean the schedule is adjusted with his input. So it is up to me to give the right information and be able to make on the spot changes according to whats happening. 

It not new to us but I suppose it adds to my responsibilities and I am quite happy with that. And the horses are doing well up here which makes it easier. James and Andie are still up here with me and it is going well.

Nathan was happy with the triallists this week (see elsewhere) so things seem to be going well at home and it will be fascinating to watch the Chariots on Saturday. Its a very strong field and the first part of the race will be fascinating. 

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