Jean Graham and Mike compare notes in the shade. Jean was soon off to Auckland to look at yearlings of which she is such a great judge

Its very much give as well as take at Purdon Racing and owners responded to the gesture of the staff to host an appreciation luncheon at Rolleston on Sunday.

It was hot work at times,aided by nice cold beverages bathed in ice, and compliments ran high about the food as well as the function.

Owners came from far and wide including Jean Feiss from Melbourne , who had the honour of owning the second  winner of the new season when Moments Like This won at Ashburton for Olivia last week and syndicate members and leaders from Alabar who owned the first Franco Indie on January 2 in the south. Too many to name though among the longer travellers were Braden and Caroline Whitelock from the Manawatu and it was good to see the Millwood Nike team having suffered a huge setback in the luck stakes in good cheer.

Hot day required tent cover at times

“It was a hell of a blow but you know its racing and you have to expect it ‘was the philosophical response from Frank Endacott.

In a windy and hot hor west day you need cover and Nathan and Mikayla had picked the best spot for the marquee sheltered by the barn from the wind though it still wanted to play a role.

Owners large and small paid tribute to the idea of being able to mix informally and catch up on the news. So it was a most successful day.

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