A golden cross, a hatful of winners close up in his pedigree and off to a flying start in his early education. Mark and Nathan have been surprised that of the yearlings they bought at the sales for syndication, shares in him are still available and he is well named. No Apologies.Quite right. You take him as he is and -what he is looks very promising.
Click on this video file or the one below and see for yourself
His selection was a combined effort by Nathan and Mark. Both liked him when they saw him first, well before the sales looking for a reasonably priced trotting yearling and he looked better when he got to that stage. They have been even more impressed since. As you can see from the video.
No Apologies is bred on the same cross as champion trotter Sundee’s Son, by Majestic Son from a Sundon mare. Majestic Son has been a cornerstone of trotting breeding in this country. Stallion stars come and go some living up to the hype some not. Majestic Son just keeps coming back with good stock year after year. Sundees Son and now Oscar Bonavena have dominated Trotter of the Year Awards on this side of the Tasman. Sundees Son beat the pacers out for Horse of the Year, a rare feat by a squaregaiter.

Majestic Son
The Purdon stable hae always kept a weather eye open for promising Majestic Son offspring. Small wonder,having won an Inter Dominion Trotting Final with Winterfell beside the feats of Oscar Bonavena, bought for six figures as a youngster and racing first for the stable in the Harness Jewels at two.Then there was Jewels winner,King Denny, and Enhance your Calm. Majestic Man is another genuine star by Majestic Son in recent years to take out races like the Great Southern Star and there are a host of others Majestic Son stock have wonmulti millions and he has a long list of breeding titles since his two and three year old days in Canada where he won $2m overll and was tops from two through to all aged success.Early speed and durable. A classic combination.
Majestic Son beside being tried and true has a remarkable strike rate. He has a 25 per cent +strike rate winners to foals in this country (foals,not starters) and a similar rate in Australia. Truly a sire for all seasons.
The breed was perhaps something of an outcross on the world stage when he first went to stud but that may have played in his favour. A daugher of his full sister is the dam of What the Hill a promising young stallion from the next generation.
And what about the family ? No Apologies dam is a sister or half sister to no less than five black type winners from multiple Group winner,Kyvalley Mac, to Two Year Old Trotting Stakes winner Just Incredible. As a bonus an unraced sister to I’ve Got Attitude has left a multi Menangle winner trotting 1.57 at three-to Majestic Son.
On top of all that No Apologies was offered by Studholme Bloodstock at the Yearling Sales- one of the most successful raisers of youngsters in the business.
What’s not to like ?
Take another look at this well proportioned guy before you make up your mind
Shares in No Apologies are still available but probably not for long for students of style and pedigree. Contact office@Purdonracing.co.nz or Mark or Nathan