Mark Purdon has had several  successful partnerships over the years. Altogether in fact he and his partners have won over $64m in stakes,just in New Zealand. Even saying it quickly,its a mouthful,that

So the question is how much will he add with son Nathan as his latest and most obvious partner ?

Mark’s first partner was Grant Payne.They  went from 2008 until 2012; never had as many as 600 starters in a season and won $14m. In their final season they set a record (for the stable,2nd best ever) of 138 wins. Their strike rate with trotters was 95 winners from 338 starters a remarkable percentage.

Mark trained for a year on his own before Natalie came into the partnership in the 2013-14 season. In 8 subsequent seasons it was utter domination not only in New Zealand but also in Australia.

From 2015 on the stable never had as many as 400 starters in a season yet won 898 races worth nearly $30m, dominating the Group 1 and age group races yet above 4.00 and sometimes 5.00 in UDR  rate in each of the years. New Zealand harness racing had never seen anything like it and won’t for a long time to come.

Post Covid eventually Mark and Hayden went into partnership and that flourished too winning 129 races from st 488 starters over a season and a half,adding $4m to the total earnings.

So the latest partnership has something to live up to and though it may not tread  the same racing landscape again with changing circumstances some things don’t change.

And  with not one but two Purdons in charge (and another  Group 1 winning one helping out) ,it may be a $64m question easily answered.

Pic.Nathan wins his first drive for All Stars behind Arden Rooney in 2014. Now its more about training them


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